It is starting to feel like autumn is upon us and with it a new school year. The winter squashes in my garden are ripening and the corn is approaching harvest time. Now is the time to line up a tutor for your son or daughter as experienced tutor's schedules tend to fill quickly. Take a look at your child's after school activities, sports, clubs, and other commitments and find (or carve out) a time that they can commit to for regular weekly tutoring. Sometimes weekends work better, sometimes later in the evenings, or sometimes immediately after school is the best time. Math is a core subject and there is lots of material to cover on a daily and weekly basis. Also, math is not a compartmentalized study. Math continually builds on previously learned concepts which makes it more challenging for students especially if they forget, or fail to learn concepts making future topics that much more difficult. Having a tutor can help your student fill in gaps in their learning, stay on top of current material, prepare for upcoming topics, as well as continually prepare for upcoming quizzes and tests. As far as I know there aren't any secret shortcuts or tricks to learning math. But, if there is something that approaches it, that would be working with a tutor. Students are often very busy with all their classes and activities and it would appear that tutoring is just one more activity on top of a towering stack of too many commitments already, further expending what little time students have remaining. However, the time spent with a math tutor can actually free up time and mental energy with less time needing to be spent struggling with homework, studying for tests, and worrying and stressing. Take a look at what other families have said about tutoring with me and let me know if I can be of assistance to your student this school year...and have a happy Fall! - Mario's Math Tutoring
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Mario DiBartolomeoHelping students succeed in math for over 15 years. Individualized attention makes the difference! CategoriesArchives
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