As a math tutor, I must confess, I don't make a good business man. When someone seeks out my help for their child I can tell after 1 session of working with them if I will be able to help them. Some students need special attention that may go beyond just helping them understand math concepts. After working with hundreds of students individually over many years, some just to prepare for a test or two and some that I have worked with for years, I can tell if I will be able to help a student. I respect all my students as people doing their best to improve and learn but some students need the help of someone with special skills and/or they are just in over their head in a math class that is too difficult for them. I won't continue to take someone's money when I don't feel it's beneficial or they need the skills of someone other than myself. So in that regard, I put the needs of my students first and don't consider education just any type of business selling products or services without the customer's best interests in mind.
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Mario DiBartolomeoHelping students succeed in math for over 15 years. Individualized attention makes the difference! CategoriesArchives
August 2024