Everyone learns a little bit differently and at their own pace. I am always impressed by students when they recognize their own learning style and what works for them. Some students will tell me, "My teacher does it this way but I like to do the problem this way." I take a look at it and if it is mathematically equivalent and it makes sense to the student I say go with what makes sense to you. Then as the student masters a problem in their own way they gradually become open to doing the problem in perhaps another quicker way. But first, go with what you know. I appreciate seeing all the creative ways that students make math easier for themselves. Some students always prefer their equations to have the variables on the left side of the equal sign and will ask me, "Can I flip this whole equation over?" When I say, "yes of course" I can sense a feeling of relief and ease like they are now recognizing a familiar face when they then approach solving the problem. When I explain math to students I give the student all of the different options that I can think of and they gravitate to what seems the easiest method.
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